Current Events:

I have been doing some thinking and I've come to the conclusion that I need to take a temporary break from book blogging. NOTE: Any tour stops that I've committed to will be honored. I have decided that I want to combine my love of books, blogging, knitting, movies digital photography and life in general into 1 blog so that I don't feel so overwhelmed. Right now I feel like my book blogging is a job, I already have one of those. My plan is to come back in the near future with a new blog and a new plan.

My Weight Loss Progress

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Off The Shelf Challenge

Off The Shelf!

The challenge begins on the 1st of January and ends on the 31st of December 2011

Note: This challenge is to read those books you own copies of, but have never got around to reading. If you don't have many that you own, but have a massive TBR shelf you're welcome to read those ones as long as you don't add new ones. You don't need to actually get rid of your books after you've read them, this is just to read them.

How To Participate

  1. Decide which challenge level you'll be doing (further below) - do not include books that you buy from the start of this challenge.
  2. Grab the code for the badge down below and post it on a side bar or in a signature (if you want to participate, but aren't blogging, on a social network or forum - Submission For Non Bloggers).
  3. Create your own post to let all your readers know you’re taking part in the challenge and at what level (if you're really proficient you can list your books!). Make sure to link back to this page with either one of the buttons or a text link..
  4. Use the link form below to enter into the challenge by sharing your challenge post url and your name (either your name, blog name, or both).Please don't use the comment form to participate, only to comment on the challenge or something else..
  5. Submit your reviews (if you choose to review them, but that is optional) on the review page.
  6. When you’ve completed you’re challenge let us know on the completion post. If you're using a tag or category I recommend sharing the link back to that so everyone can find them

Challenge Levels
  1. Tempted–  Choose 5 books to read
  2. Trying – Choose 15 books to read
  3. Making A Dint – Choose 30 books to read
  4. On A Roll – Choose 50 books to read
  5. Flying Off – Choose 75 books to read
For extra hard challenges
  1. Hoarder – Choose 76-125 books to read
  2. Buried – Choose 126-200 books to read
I am choosing (for now...I might upgrade) to do the Makeing A Dint level.

1. Virgin River
2. Shelter Mountain
3. Whispering Rock
4. A Virgin River Christmas
5. Empire of the Summer Moon
6. No Mercy

Sunday, December 19, 2010

2011 Young Adult Reading Challenge

NOTE: Thanks to The Book Vixen for letting me use this AWESOME SAUCE button!

Last year I participated in the Young Adult Challenge that J. Kaye's book blog was hosting.  But from what I can see J. Kaye isn't blogging anymore and I really wanted to do this challenge again.  So here it is...with a wonky button to start off with...but it's here.

Here are the rules:

1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.  Create a post about the challenge and link your challenge post up in the linky below.

--Non-Bloggers: Post your list of books in the comment section of the wrap-up post.

2. There are four levels:

--The Mini YA Reading Challenge – Read 12 Young Adult novels.

--The "Fun Size" YA Reading Challenge – Read 20 Young Adult novels.

--The Jumbo Size YA Reading Challenge – Read 40 Young Adult novels.

--The Mega size YA Reading Challenge – Read 50+ Young Adult novels.

3. Audio, eBooks, paper, re-reads all count.

4. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.

5. The Challenge starts on January 1, 2011 and goes until December 31, 2011.



2011 Harry Potter Challenge

Hosted by Daemon's Books. (click the link to go to the sign up page.)

So here are a few things you need to know about this Harry Potter challenge if you would like to participate:
The Books and Schedule:
1. January 1-31: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone in the UK)
2. February 1-28: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. March 1-31: Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban
4. April 1-30: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5. May 1-31: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
6. June 1-30: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
7. July 1 – August 31: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Note: The last book will be read over two months in case some people (me included) would like to see the final movie before re-reading the book.
How To Participate:
Each month:
Step 1: Read the assigned book for that month (see schedule above)
Step 2: Write a review or opinion piece about the book on either your blog or any of the following places:
Step 3: Starting February 1, 2011 and at the beginning of each subsequent month we will have a post up for you to share links to your reviews, opinion pieces or to write comments (designated comment section). This will count as proof of your participation.
Note: Each proof of participation will give you one entry into our final big and exciting giveaway. There will be only one entry per book (no multiple entries even if you put multiple links). That means that if you complete the challenge from beginning to end and provide us with proof of your participation for each book you will have 7 entries.
General Information and Rules:
Who can participate? Anyone can participate. However, if you have a blog, please make sure you write up a post about the challenge linking back to Daemon’s Books, so that other people might be able to join as well.
Duration of Challenge: The challenge will run from January 1, 2011 to August 31, 2011.
Deadline to join: The deadline to join is August 1st, 2011.
Updates: A few updates will be written throughout each month keeping you updated with the challenge.
- Each month will begin with a four day giveaway of the entire Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7) so that if you don’t own it you might get the chance to win it. (Note: This will only be open to people in the US and Canada)
- At the end of the challenge we will be hosting one final giveaway with a BIG prize you won’t want to miss. (Note: This will only be open to people in the US and Canada.)
I think that about covers it all, so if you’re ready to take part in this challenge, all that’s left for you to do is sign up in the form below!
And if there are any questions we haven’t answered yet, you can always contact us.

Read more: Harry Potter 2011 Book Challenge | Daemon's Books

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I am soooo busy!  So I haven't had a lot of reading time lately between work and knitting some Christmas presents I've been UBER busy.  Hopefully everyone is having a Happy and Safe Holiday season?!  We just survived our first BLIZZARD of the year here in Wisconsin.  I've been hearing on the news that all over the country there has been "interesting" weather lately. 

I won't be back to blogging regularly until after the New Year....So early Happy New Year everyone!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teaser Tuesday ~ Matched by Ally Condie

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. So when Xander's face appears on-screen at her Matching ceremony, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is her ideal mate . . . until she sees Ky Markham's face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black.

The Society tells her it's a glitch, a rare malfunction, and that she should focus on the happy life she's destined to lead with Xander. But Cassia can't stop thinking about Ky, and as they slowly fall in love, Cassia begins to doubt the Society's infallibility and is faced with an impossible choice: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path that no one else has dared to follow.


"The inside of the dining hall looks nicer than a regular meal hall, too. 'Look,' Xander says. Flickering lights in the center of each table simulate an old romantic system of lighting, candles." p. 192

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Matched ARC giveaway!

Stephanie over at Stephanie Reads is giving away an ARC of Matched on her blog.  She's a new blogger and this is her first contest.  This contest is open to US and Canadian bloggers and ends on December 15.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Busting The Newbie Blues

Hosted by Small Review.

Busting the Newbie Blues event, which will run from December 3rd through December 31st.

This event is designed to:
  •  Put new YA book bloggers on the map
  • Increase blogger interaction
  • Start a discussion by sharing our experiences as a new bloggers
  • Learn about what it was like for all those impressive established bloggers when they were newbies

So how does this work? Simple:
  • Select the questionnaire that best applies to you (there's no "wrong" choice, so just pick whichever one you feel most comfortable answering)
  • Create a post on your blog with the questions and your answers
  • Grab the banner above or the button below to include in your post or sidebar
  • Link back to my post here
  • Sign the Mr. Linky below so we can all come and visit your post!
  • Spread the word!

If you don't want to make a post on your blog, but you do want to participate, then just email me your answers and I'll post them up on my blog! Be sure to include your name and blog address. Here's where you can email me:
Imagesandwords at optonline dot net

Try to visit as many blogs as you can. Take a look at their answers, but also check out a bunch of their other posts (try for 5?) and leave comments. If you like their blog, follow them! If someone follows you, then take a look at their blog and follow back if you like what you see.

This event will run from today all the way through December 31st, so bookmark this post and check back to ensure you'll be included in all the fun as new bloggers add their posts to the list. I can't wait to see all your answers and blogs! I hope everyone has fun. :)

New Bloggers: 

Pick this questionnaire if you if you feel you're still getting your "blogging legs" and could use some advice and awareness brought to your blog, whether you're a brand new blogger or even if you've been blogging for over a year. 

  1. When did you start your blog?
I started For The Love of YA in October.  This is actually NOT my first blog...I actually have two others (which you can find by looking at my blogger profile).  But I'm still pretty new to the YA book blogging community and I'm always looking for some constructive criticism about the blog.

    2. Why did you start your blog?

I started For The Love of YA as a place specifically for my YA reviews.  On my other blog I thought that those reviews were getting "lost" amongst all the other reviews....I have pretty eclectic taste in reading materials.

    3. What has been the biggest challenge you've faced so far?

Mainly I have trouble giving books ratings.  I think I've gotten a little bit better recently though.  I also sometimes have trouble putting into words what I was feeling about the book I happen to be reviewing at the time.  I've taken to actually writing stuff down in a notebook to keep my thoughts organized.  Blog wise....I'm finding it difficult to get out and comment on every body's blogs.  I follow a LOT of blogs and I try not to blog on the days that I work.

     4. What do you find most discouraging about being a new blogger?

Being new to this particular part of the blogging community.  With my original blog I was able to make friends with a broad spectrum of bloggers with this blog it seems to be a little bit tougher.  There seems to be a LOT of YA bloggers out there!

     5. What do you find most encouraging?

I find it very encouraging that the book blogging community itself is VERY encouraging.  There are a lot of ways (like blog hops at Parajunkee's View and to get your blog noticed.  I also like when bloggers host events like this to "recognize" the newer members of the community.

     6. What do you like best about the blogs you read? Have you tried to replicate this in your blog?

Honestly, I really like Parajunkee's blog.  It's got many elements that I am trying to replicate on my blog as well.  She also hosts Book Blogging 101 on Thursdays which has been VERY helpful.

     7. What do you dislike about blogs you’ve read? Do you try to avoid this?

Mainly when bloggers use crazy font colors that don't show up in my google reader. Other than that I try to live by the "every blogger has there own way of doing things" adage and try not to knock it...MOST of the time.

    8. Any advice for other new bloggers?

Don't be afraid to ask questions.  No question is a dumb question....well unless you don't ask it....then the only dumb question is the one you didn't ask. 

    9.  Anything else you’d like to share about your experience?

Random Fun Fact....when I get to going through my google reader on Fridays when I get home from work I have 1000+ posts in my reader.  It gives me LOTS of material to comment/try to comment on!

Friday Blog Hops

Book Blogger Hop

"What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?"

I was really lukewarm on Radiance.  It just didn't live up to all the good reviews I had read on it through out the book blog community.

What do you do besides reading / reviewing as a hobby??

For me I like to watch movies, cook, travel (I REALLY want to go to Ireland!) and use my digital camera.  I also like to snuggle in my nice warm bed with my two dogs Augusta ("Gus) and Laci.

I have a couple of giveaways going on too!


The Mockingbirds

2011 E-Book Challenge

Hosted by The Lady Bug Reads.

Challenge Guidelines:1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.

--Non-bloggers: Include your information in the comment section.

2. There are four levels:

-- Curious – Read 3 e-books.

-- Fascinated – Read 6

-- Addicted – Read 12

-- Obsessed – Read
20 e-books.

3. Any genre counts.

4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap-up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.

5. Challenge begins January 1, 2011 and lasts until December 31, 2011.

6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to your post about the E-Book Reading Challenge. Include the URL so that other participants can join in and read your reviews and post.

I am doing the OBSESSED level...How about you?!

1. Virgin River
2. Shelter Mountain
3. Falke's Peak
4. Whispering Rock
5. A Virgin River Christmas
6. I Beat The Odds
7. Blood Knot
8. Empire of the Summer Moon

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #1

Hosted by Breaking The Spine.
"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:
Ruby Prosser dreams of escaping the Congregation and the early-nineteenth century lifestyle that’s been practiced since the community was first enslaved.

She plots to escape the vicious Darwin West, his cruel Overseers, and the daily struggle to gather the life-prolonging Water that keeps the Congregants alive and gives Darwin his wealth and power. But if Ruby leaves, the Congregation will die without the secret ingredient that makes the Water special: her blood.

So she stays.

But when Ruby meets Ford, the new Overseer who seems barely older than herself, her desire for freedom is too strong. He’s sympathetic, irresistible, forbidden—and her only access to the modern world. Escape with Ford would be so simple, but can Ruby risk the terrible price, dooming the only world she’s ever known?

Available January 25, 2011