So this is the place where I let you all know what I've been up to for the past week on the book front. So here we go:
Tuesday 2/8 - Posted the Follower Love giveaway (NOW CLOSED)....Drawing the winners once I post this.
Friday 2/11 - Posted a discussion post about all the drama that's going on in the book blogging community and authors behaving badly.
Saturday 2/12 - I posted about the changes that are coming to For The Love....
Sunday 2/13 - I posted my IMM and a review of Virgin Mountain by Robyn Carr and Matched by Ally Condie. I also scheduled a review of Falke's Peak but that won't post until 3/1 when the changes officially go into affect.
Monday 2/14 - I posted this post as well as a review of Shelter Mountain (Virgin River #2) by Robyn Carr. I am also going to be posting a guest post in a few minutes as well.
So that's what I've been up to and what I've read so far this week....Now onto what I'm currently reading this week....

As for what I'm going to read next....I really don't know yet.
I have been wanting to read Pegasus as I have always enjoyed McKinley's writing. Hope you enjoy it and have a great week!
New follower :) I enjoyed your IMM!
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